A rash is a change of the color and appearance of the skin associated with an irritation or swelling of the skin. In many cases, it looks like a red rash, itchy and sore, but sometimes it can also be formed by bubbles or plates rough. The cause can be gradual or sudden, can be allergies, exposure to irritants, insect bites, certain drugs or genetic predisposition.

Among the diseases, however, the possible causes of the rash include atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, impetigo, shingles, exanthematous diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki syndrome. Factors such as very high or very low temperatures, an oily skin, stress, and products containing alcohol can worsen the situation.


What kind of diseases can be associated with skin rash?

The following diseases may be associated with skin rash:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Herpes zoster
  • Impetigo
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Hand-foot-mouth disease
  • Measles
  • Psoriasis
  • Fifth disease
  • Rubella
  • Scarlet fever
  • Roseola
  • Kawasaki syndrome
  • Chickenpox

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence.


What is the therapy for skin rash?

Since the causes can be very different, it is important to understand the base condition. In many cases, moisturizers, cleansers or creams or specific products containing corticosteroids or antihistamines can decrease the swelling and itching.

In general, it is important not to rub or scrape the skin and use soap or apply cosmetics affected area. To clean it is best to use warm water and a mild detergent. It also advisable to leave the affected area exposed to the air as much as possible.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of rash?

In case of a rash you should contact your doctor if the problem worsens, in case of symptoms like joint pain, fever or sore throat, if you suspect you have been bitten by a tick, if the vent is associated with intake of a new drug, if the rash looks like a smear red, swollen and very sensitive to touch (may indicate an infection).

You should call the emergency room if you have breathing difficulties, swelling of the face or sensations or suffocation or in case of purple rash like a bruise.