Whats an apricot?

The Apricot is the fruit of the Prunus armeniaca plant belonging to the family Rosaceae.

The apricot tree is native to China and Japan and the fruits can have a variable color from yellow to deep purple. Their tone changes depending on the variety considered, as well as their size and taste.


What are the nutritional properties of apricot?

Among the macronutrients present in apricots, carbohydrates stand out as 91% of the energy supplied from this fruit (28 calories per 100 grams); 6% of the remaining calories corresponds to proteins, and 3% to lipids.

The fruit is very rich in water, in fact in 100 grams of apricot 86.3g are water, which are:

  • 6.8g of soluble sugars

  • 1.5g of fibers (of which 0.71g in the form of soluble fibers and 0.83g in the form of insoluble fibers)

Among the micronutrients, per 100gr there are:

  • 320mg of potassium

  • 16 mg of calcium

  • 16mg phosphorus

  • 0.5mg of iron

  • 1mg sodium

The apricot is also an excellent source of vitamins. In 100g of this fruit there are:

  • 13 mg of vitamin C

  • 0.5 mg of niacin ( vitamin B3 or PP)

  • 0.03 mg of riboflavin ( vitamin B2 )

  • 0.03 mg thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) and vitamin A (retinol equivalent to 360 micrograms)


It is also a source of vitamin K, organic acids, phenols, volatile compounds (such as benzaldehyde), esters, norisoprenoids and terpenes.

Within the core of apricot we find amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside with interesting anticancer properties.


When to avoid eating apricots?

There are no scientifically reliable evidence of apricot interaction with drugs or substances that make it inadvisable for consumption.


Apricot benefits

The consumption of apricots is recommended especially as a source of vitamins and minerals. Decoctions prepared using the bark of Prunus armeniaca are used as an astringent to relieve irritation of the skin, while pastes based on apricot kernels is recommended for treatment of vaginal infections.

Finally, folk medicine has made apricot a treatment of haemorrhage, fertility problems, eye inflammation and spasms. The oil is used in cosmetics and as a solvent for pharmaceutical use, .and the core has also been used in cancer treatments; But there are no clinical evidence of its effectiveness against cancer.


Apricot possible contraindications

There is no evidence of specific contraindications to Apricot consumption. However, during pregnancy and breastfeeding you should avoid the use of products made with apricot kernels due to the absence of conclusive data on potential risks to the baby's health. Exceptions are also cases of hypersensitivity. They were, in fact cases in which the apricot kernel sparked dermatitis by contact and allergic reactions to fruit consumption are quite common.

In addition, the core can trigger similar reactions to intoxication by hydrogen cyanide (with symptoms such as dizziness, headache, hypotension, nausea, neuropathy, vomiting and ptosis).


Seasonality of the apricot

In our latitudes the apricots are ready for consumption in the months of June and July.