What is salmon?

The term salmon designates several species of fish belonging to the family Salmonidae. Salmon can be fresh or saltwater fish and is typical of the cold seas of the North (Norway, Sweden and Canada)

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is the most widespread on the market and the only indigenous species in the European continent. Salmon is also one of the most farmed species.


What are the nutritional properties of salmon?

Salmon is a good source of protein, vitamins (vitamin B6, vitamin B12, thiamine, niacin), minerals (phosphorus, selenium) and omega 3 fatty acids.


In particular, 100 grams of salmon contain:

  • 18.4 g protein
  • 12 g fat
  • 1 g of carbohydrates
  • 185 Kcal


When should you not eat salmon?

Salmon may contain only small quantities of methylmercury: there is therefore no specific contraindications to its use.


Possible benefits of salmon

Salmon is a fish with tasty meat, rich in vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals.

Phosphorus is important for the health of bones and teeth, while selenium allows the proper functioning of cellular antioxidants.

Vitamin B6 stimulates brain function and prevents aging, vitamin B12 plays a valuable role in production of red blood cells and bone marrow formation. Niacin (or vitamin B3) improves circulation, protects the skin and promotes digestion of food. Finally the thiamine (vitamin B1 or) the body releases energy essential in everyday life.


Possible contraindications for salmon

It is always advised to eat salmon after it is cooked: heat annihilates any toxic substances, such as Anisakis, a widespread parasite. It is important to know that European legislation (EC Regulation 853/2004, on "Sale and administration of culinary preparations containing fishery products intended to be consumed raw or almost raw") obliges those who sell or administer fresh fish to be frozen at – 20 degrees at least 24 hours. Therefore, before you eat it raw, you should inquire if that has been done. At home, it is advised to freeze the salmon for at least 96 hours at -18 ° C in a freezer at three or more stars, before consuming it.


Seasonality of the salmon

Salmon is available all year.