What is the Saddled Seabream?

The saddled seabream (Oblada melanura) is a saltwater fish of the Sparidae family (the same family that owns the bream, which turns out to be very similar in appearance). It owes its name to the large eyes that come to occupy about half of the face. It populates the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and is often found in the Black Sea waters. It lives no more than 40 meters deep, mainly on rocky and grassy bottom. They move in large herds.

It has an elliptical profile, elongated body and laterally flattened gray-silvery scales. It reaches 20-25 cm and the weight of an adult specimen is around 1kg. Its meat is prized and is usually prepared grilled.


What are its nutritional properties?

100 grams of saddled seabream bring 117 calories broken down as follows:

  • 65% protein
  • 29% lipids
  • 6% carbohydrate


In particular, 100 grams of saddled seabream contain:

  • 77 g of water
  • 19 g of protein
  • 3.7 g of lipids
  • 48 mg cholesterol
  • 2 g of available carbohydrates
  • 2 g of soluble sugars
  • 427 mg of potassium
  • 4.2 mg Iron
  • 32 mg of calcium
  • 17 mg of magnesium
  • 1.4 mg zinc
  • 0.6 mg of copper
  • 16.5 micrograms of selenium


When should you not eat the saddled seabream?

To date there are no known interactions between the consumption of saddled seabream and the intake of drugs or other substances.


Seasonality of the saddled seabream

In Italy the saddled seabream is present along the coast throughout the year. It is fished mainly in Sicily and in the southern Adriatic.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of the saddled seabream

The meat is very precious: in fact it contains a large amount of high biological value protein and a low percentage of fat and carbohydrates. The high potassium quantities (essential mineral for the human body to maintain a normal level of fluid balance and blood pressure, to regulate neuromuscular excitability and rhythm of the heart) and iron (essential for proper oxygenation of all tissues of the organism) distinguish this fish from the mineral content point of view, especially regarding calcium and magnesium. The taste of the saddled seabream is very delicate, similar to that of the gilt-head bream.