Sucralfate is used to treat and prevent the recurrence of duodenal ulcers. It can also be administered in combinations with other drugs such as antibiotics to treat and prevent the recurrence of ulcers. These ulcers are typically caused by certain bacterial infections, in particular Helicobacter pylori.


What is Sucralfate?

Sucralfate is an active ingredient that has a protective effect on cells. It adheres to tissues damaged by ulcers and defends them from the acids and enzymes. Its purpose is to aid healing.


How should Sucralfate be taken?

Sucralfate is taken orally, usually in the form of tablets or liquid solutions. Treatment of ulcers typically requires taking four doses throughout the day and can last up to eight weeks. For preventing reoccurrence, two tablets a day are required.  Sucralfate should be taken on an empty stomach, two hours after or one hour before a meal.


Side effects associated with Sucralfate

The main side effect that may be associated with the use of Sucralfate is constipation.

You should immediately contact a doctor if sucralfate triggers:

  • Urticaria
  • Rash
  • Itch
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swelling of the face, throat, tongue and lips


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Sucralfate

Any antacids should be taken at least half an hour before or after Sucralfate.


Before taking this medicine, it is important to inform your doctor:

  • If you are allergic to any active substance, its excipients or any other medication
  • If you are taking any other medicinal products, herbal remedies or supplements. Mentioning in particular: anticoagulants, cimetidine, Cinoxacin, ciprofloxacin, digoxin, enoxacin, ketoconazole, levofloxacin, levothyroxine, lomefloxacin, nalidixic acid, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, phenytoin, quinidine, ranitidine, sparfloxacin, and tetracycline theophylline
  • If you suffer (or have suffered) from kidney disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, or any condition that may cause difficulty in swallowing or coughing
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding