What is a gastroesophageal surgical examination?

A gastroesophageal surgical examination is a critical step in the preparation of a patient who has previously been diagnosed with a disease, dysfunction, or suffers from a trauma in the esophagus or stomach. It is useful for the planning of the type and means of intervention to be carried out. Thereafter the visit is used to monitor a patient's post-surgical recovery.


What is the purpose of a gastroesophageal surgical examination?

The surgical examination captures information through diagnostic tests and allows the doctor to prepare specific treatments for a patient suffering from organic and functional disorders of the esophagus and stomach. These disorders include reflux diseases such as sequelae Barrett's esophagus, achalasia (non relaxing muscles), esophageal and pharyngeal diverticula such as Zenker, benign and malignant tumors of the esophagus and stomach such as leiomyoma, GIST, adenocarcinoma, and squamous-cell carcinoma, and rare tumors. 


How is a gastroesophageal surgical examination carried out?

The surgeon along with a specialized team will collect information about the history and lifestyle of the patient including nutrition, smoking habits, physical activity level and physical inactivity, current pathologies, previous interventions, a family history of similar diseases, and medication intake.
Subsequently the surgeon will prescribe all necessary tests for patients who require further investigation before surgery such as blood, radiological, and cardiological examinations, or endoscopic ultrasonography.
The medical team will then consider all available information, including the operative risk, such as that of a thromboembolic or hemorrhagic patient and decide on the type of intervention best suited to the pathology and conditions of the patient. The team might rule on a minimally invasive surgery, such as an interventional endoscopy for the treatment of diseases of the upper digestive tract, or more complex surgeries such as advanced laparoscopic surgery including oesophagectomy, gastrectomy, colectomy and rectal resection, splenectomy, and adrenalectomy for more complex pathologies.


Are there any guidelines for preparation?

There are no standards of preparation. The patient is asked to bring any tests carried out previously on the matter and a list of current medication intake.