What is a diabetes examination?

Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases. The examination is aimed at both new patients, and at patients with previously diagnosed diabetes or hyperglycemia.
It allows for a diabetes specialist to assess the general health of a patient and monitor the development of the disease in order to set forth the most appropriate therapy which can be pharmacological or non.
Diabetes often has no symptoms in its early stages and therefore medical and clinical examinations are the best way to diagnose and prevent complications, which affect the entire body including eyes, kidneys, heart, skin, brain, and nervous system.
Subsequently, the examination allows the doctor to monitor a diabetic patient over the course of their therapy, and possibly modify the therapy if needed.


What is the purpose of a diabetes examination?

The examination is essential for the diagnosis of the disease and for the selection of the appropriate drug therapy, which is customized for each patient, and non-pharmacological therapy which includes diet and physical activity, in order to help prevent a patient from developing further complications.
A diabetologist provides all possible measures in order to reduce the cardiovascular risk, and control the blood glucose level, blood pressure, and complications of the disease. The doctor is the one who can certify a driver's license renewal in case of a diabetic patient.


How is a diabetes examination carried out?

During the examination the specialist collects information about the history and lifestyle of the patient including nutrition, smoking habits, physical activity level and physical inactivity, current pathologies, previous surgeries, a family history of similar diseases, and medication intake.
The diabetologist then proceeds to examine the patient, which can last between 30 and 40 minutes, along with examining previous results, or evaluating the adopted therapy if this is a repeat visit. Furthermore the doctor can prescribe other medication, show the patient how to manage the disease by self monitoring (SMBG), and offer guidance on diet and healthy lifestyle.
Subsequently if needed the doctor will prescribe all necessary tests for patients who need further diagnostic analysis.


Are there any guidelines for preparation?

There are no standards of preparation. The patient is asked to bring any tests carried out previously on the issue and a list of current medication intake.