Water retention is a condition in which your body is accumulating too many fluids in your its tissue. It frequently occurs in the feet and legs, and will leave you feeling bloated and wondering why your shoes don’t fit.

What causes water retention

  • High sodium intake. Your diet includes too many salty foods.
  • Lack of vitamin C and other vitamins
  • Increased stress
  • Bad circulation
  • Menstruation or pregnancy
  • Several diseases including: thyroid disorders, heart conditions, allergies to name a few


Depending on the source of your water retention problem there are several steps you could take to counter the condition.

  • Healthy diet. Reduce any foods high in salt.
  • Vitamin supplements.
  • Exercise
  • Herbal Infusions & teas

A number of herbal infusions and teas can help discharge the extra fluids from your body. Many teas have diuretic and draining properties

“The so-called water retention or the accumulation of fluid under the skin, must be tackled in a global perspective. If it is a result from certain diseases, it should be treated in a specific manner with drugs. In any case, proper food intake, physical exercise, and abstaining from smoking and drinking, can improve blood and lymph circulation. Firstly, it is important to drink plenty of water even when you don’t feel like it, at least 1.5 liters per day. Even the infusions that assist in draining can have beneficial effects” say experts at Humanitas Hospital.

Green Tea in a Cup.

What are the best draining herbal teas?

“A low-sodium diet ameliorates water retention, is rich in vitamin C and protects the capillaries. It may include herbal teas made from asparagus, birch, cherry, horsetail, Bermuda grass, nettle, and dandelion. They are known as the natural diuretics and also contain flavonoids and vitamin C”.

Herbal teas are prepared through the usual process by using roots, leaves, seeds and flower parts available in herbal medicine. The draining effect may have a diuretic effect, meaning you may will to visit the bathroom more than usual. Water and the extracts used to prepare infusions stimulate diuresis or the expulsion of urine with its load of slag. What are such herbal teas that are more suitable for diuresis? “Horsetail, Birch, Couch Grass, Anise, and Nettle can help diuresis. Excellent diuretics are also orthosiphon or Java tea, as well as hawkweed, artichoke and burdock with their anti-inflammatory properties” concludes the specialist.