Urinary incontinence, a disorder characterized by involuntary loss of urine is usually related immediately to women. There are about two million women affected by urinary incontinence, says the Italian society of Urology. However even males are affected, albeit to a lesser extent.

Behind the simple definition of urinary incontinence lurk several risk factors and a complex picture of the disorder. With the precise causes and a possibility of using personalised therapies we can support the physiological functions of the body. Furthermore, between the sexes, urinary incontinence takes on different characteristics. To illustrate them we called upon Dr. Massimo Lazzeri, Humanitas hospital urologist.


Urinary Incontinence

“We distinguish two forms of urinary incontinence: stress and urgency. In the first case the loss of urine follows physical exertion such as sneezing, coughing, changing position, lifting weights. This type of incontinence, says the expert, has a prevailing incidence in females.”

“Over the years, with longevity, both women and men are affected by urinary urge incontinence, and this is the second form. The incidence is roughly similar between the sexes: the bladder is active despite the will of the person not to urinate.”

However even stress incontinence can affect males. How so? “Stress incontinence in humans can result from a surgery that can alter your sphincter or continence mechanisms, such as surgery for benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer radical prostatectomy,” replies Dr. Lazzeri.


How is urinary incontinence diagnosed?

“The first diagnosis tool is the interview with the patient in order to define the characteristics of its features and identify the form of incontinence. If the information collected is not sufficient, we proceed to deeper analysis, such as urinalysis to rule out bladder infections. Ultrasound is used when, despite the losses, the emptying of the bladder is absent or incomplete.”

“Another important exam, in the case of incontinence is not instantly definable, it is the urodynamic examination with which we observe the mechanism of filling and emptying of the urinary tract.”


Can you prevent incontinence?

“You can prevent incontinence caused by i.e Prostatectomy surgery, if you carry out perineal floor strengthening exercises. But prevention can also be done by acting on risk factors: losing weight, since obesity is a risk factor for incontinence, or doing regular exercise to strengthen your muscles and prevent muscle relaxation.” Yoga for example is a great way to strengthen important muscles that can help you prevent incontinence.

“Is smoking a risk factor?” The answer is “Of course”. Smoking can increase coughing and increase the stresses that may cause incontinence,” replies Dr. Lazzeri.


What are the available treatments for urinary incontinence?

“The treatments depend on the forms of incontinence. If it’s from stress, and is caused by surgery, the patient can undergo rehabilitation sessions to reactivate the perineal floor. If this is not enough you can use electro muscle stimulation. Finally, you can implant sphincteral prostheses around the urethra”.