Among the most frequent conditions affecting the upper spine is cervicalgia, which manifests as neck pain and muscle stiffness often associated with headaches.
Cervicalgia is increasingly present in women and often underestimated, as people usually prefer homemade remedies to a visit with a specialist.
Cervicalgia: How to manage pain
When the pain in the cervical spine is severe and does not resolve, the first thing to do is a combination of rest, thermotherapy, and anti-inflammatories.
Rest, however, should not be prolonged: Long periods of immobility should be avoided, as they would lead to further neck stiffness with no particular benefit on symptoms.
Suppose neck pain occurs with a sensation of electric shock or tingling in the upper limbs. In that case, it is suggested to consult a specialist for an orthopedic examination.
Cervicalgia: Pain Remedies
Neck pain should never be underestimated. If, as mentioned, pain is associated with neurological signs – such as tingling and a loss of sensation – it is a good idea to contact a specialist or your doctor as quickly as possible so that the cause of the problem can be found, allowing you to get the most appropriate therapy.
Pain medications and analgesics should be taken in moderation, preferably under the advice of the prescribing physician based on the patient’s medical history. The physician will also take any allergies and reported symptoms into account.
The orthopedic examination will also determine whether and what tests are needed to make a diagnosis and thus choose the correct treatment.
Cervicalgia: Does the neck need to be warmed up or cooled down?
The most common type of cervicalgia is myogenic (i.e., of muscular origin), caused by muscle inflammation. In this case, pain is associated with muscle tension that needs to be managed appropriately.
If you have this type of cervicalgia, warm objects on the painful area may help confer a general sense of well-being.
On the other hand, cold objects are likely to worsen the situation by increasing the contracture of the muscles. Thus, it remains crucial to identify the underlying cause of the symptomatology.