A prestigious award for Humanitas and its experts: the University of Oxford has awarded the Humanitas Cardiovascular Department the Ribbon “for its contribution to the multicentre international study ACST-2, aimed at better defining the guidelines for the treatment of patients suffering from asymptomatic carotid stenosis”.
“To date, carotid thromboendoarteriectomy (TEA) represents the best possible option in the prevention of ischaemic stroke for patients with critical carotid stenosis – explained Professor Efrem Civilini, Head of the Humanitas and P.I. Vascular Surgery Unit of the study for our Institute – ensuring excellent clinical results in the short and long term.
“The trial – continued Civilini – is aimed at defining whether there is a sub-population of patients, considered more at risk, who can benefit more from endovascular surgery (such as angioplasty and carotid stenting, the so-called “balloon”).
The enrollment of the 3600 patients foreseen by the study, coming from 32 countries all over the world, will soon be completed, and which involved in Humanitas the Operative Units of Vascular Surgery 1 and 2, Clinical Cardiology and Interventions, Interventional Radiology and Neurology, representing an important opportunity for multidisciplinary collaboration.