The summer heat can be debilitating and make daily activities difficult. Air conditioning is an increasingly popular way to deal with scorching temperatures in the workplace or at night.
Neck pain caused by air conditioning is quite common and can lead to great neck and back discomfort.
Cervicalgia and cold
Cold weather and an abrupt drop in temperature can trigger episodes of cervicalgia or pain in the neck area. This happens because the neck is the part of the body most exposed to the blast of cold air. Its muscles contract, causing pain, dizziness, and headaches. Headaches often accompany cervicalgia.
Arthritis and air conditioning
The pain caused by the cold is more muscular than articular. However, people experiencing arthritis or arthrosis should be careful, as the cold is an aggravating factor that may increase already existing pain.
The most sensitive joints in the body involve the back: The spine joints have muscles that play an important role in maintaining the correct posture. When these muscles contract, the joints are affected too.
Cervicalgia: what to do?
It is important to avoid direct exposure to the A/C. Using a scarf or keeping temperatures a bit higher is advised.
Ways to combat neck pain include:
- Anti-inflammatory medication;
- Massages;
- Stretching;
- Osteopathic sessions.
A massage may prove helpful, as long as it is gentle: Indelicate movements or too much pressure may further inflame the contracted muscle.
Gentle stretches are ideal, and an osteopathic treatment aimed at muscle release and fascial rebalancing is also a viable alternative.