Who has not been affected by acne as a teenager, raise your hand! If your hand didn’t go up then use it to scroll further down and find out what it is and how it is treated. Statistics show that a whopping 80% of adolescents have been affected by this type of skin condition but a large number of cases have even been associated with occurrences amongst adults as well. “Acne happens to teenagers only, is one of many false cliché, as many others have been linked to it,” explains Dr. Marzia Baldi, Dermatologist at Humanitas Gavazzeni.


What is acne?

“Essentially, acne is nothing more than an inflammatory dermatosis of the skin, which affects parts of the skin containing hair (the so-called “hair follicles”) and the glands that produce sebum which are connected to them. As we all know, acne is manifested in the form of pimples, which develop on the face, back and chest. In fact, acne is considered a chronic disease in relation to its duration, the frequency of relapses and the psychosocial impact that it entails”. Says Dr. Baldi.

Why do I have acne?

“There are various culprits for acne and they differ from each other. Acne may develop primarily due to familiarity or personal predisposition. However, it can also result from physical and psychological states of transition, due to changes in hormonal balance or obvious times of particular stress. Although they may not be considered among the main causes, some foods should be taken in consideration. In such cases, a real problem can be chocolate and so called “junk” food, which apart from impacting physical conditions in individuals, can also be considered a cause for the appearance of notorious pimples.”

Can acne be prevented?

“In some cases, it may be sufficient to use specific creams or scrubs performed on an outpatient basis. In other cases, however, it may be necessary to rely on more radical treatments, such as photodynamic therapy, which involves the application of an ointment containing ‘ 5-Amino levulinic acid (ALA) on the areas of the skin that are most affected by the acne. The resulting exposure of these areas to a red lighted lamp causes an immediate sterilization of the follicle, which leads to the disappearance of inflammation”.