You are reading “Insomnia, TV can cause it”, true or false?


“Insomnia, TV can cause it”, true or false?

January 1, 2018


Although there are many people who fall asleep while watching television, more and more people think that TV is responsible for their insomnia. True or false? Dr. Vincenzo Tullo, neurologist and head of the Humanitas Migraine Clinic, responds.


True. Watching TV for a long time, especially watching your favorite series at night or more sleepless nights to watch different episodes, can have negative consequences including loss of lucidity, memory and attention – the expert explains. The phenomenon, known as binge-watching, i.e. watching subsequent episodes of a television programme continuously and in the same evening, leads to a state of excitement that increases the symptoms of insomnia and decreases the quality of sleep. Trying to exercise a gift that we all have, namely self-control, especially with regard to the use of mass media in general, not only TV, as well as computers, especially at night, promotes good sleep needed to live in health and face the next day with energy and vitality”.

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