Food & diet

“Eggs are good for the heart”, is it true or false?

July 3, 2018

With the heat, eggs become a fast and summery dish that many believe is healthy and that eggs especially help to keep heart and cardiovascular system healthy. Is it true or false? We asked Dr. Maddalena Lettino, head of the Cardiovascular Department at Humanitas.


“True: As confirmed by a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, egg consumption does not worsen the metabolic profile – explains the expert – even in patients most at risk for cardiovascular diseases such as diabetics type 2 and pre-diabetics. The researchers found in the three-month and six-month controls that those who consumed even more than 12 eggs per week did not have an increased risk of heart attacks, blood sugar levels higher than those who ate only 2 per week, nor a different distribution of fats in the blood. However, for the health of the heart, eggs should be consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet, which helps to reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels. Therefore, no eggs and bacon, but as demonstrated by several studies, it seems that taking vegetable proteins (legumes) instead of animal ones, helps to reduce the presence of lipids (fats) in blood vessels by 4%, thus protecting the health of the heart and arteries. Along with plant protein, fiber and vitamins from fruits, vegetables, and omega 3 fatty acids from dried fruits and fish also help reduce LDL’s “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood. Do not forget that a healthy life for the heart always includes regular physical activity.

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