Learning how to handle anxiety and the resulting tachycardia is not easy, especially when our lives are becoming increasingly stressed and hectic. However – explains Dr. Maddalena Lettino, of the Cardiovascular Department of Humanitas – in cases where the cause of the tachycardia is anxiety, it can help resort to small strategies to improve and manage situations that cause acceleration of the heartbeat. It seems that exposing oneself to the sight of plants, trees and in general to a green natural environment, can trigger a beneficial action on the psychophysical state of the body and also on the heart rhythm, just as smelling a few drops of lavender essence can be useful to control chronic anxiety. However, we must be careful not to confuse these “simple” episodes of tachycardia, albeit recurrent, due to states of anxiety and agitation, with the tachycardia triggered by diseases of the cardiovascular system or heart rhythm. For example, if you often experience very fast heartbeat even in calm conditions, without physical effort, and with a feeling of weakness and fainting, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. In fact, with this type of “heartbeat”, tachycardia could be a warning sign for real heart diseases such as atrial fibrillation or heart failure. Moreover, in these cases, it is necessary to intervene promptly with therapies adapted to the case.
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Heart and cardiovascular system