There are many causes of sore throat, but those who love the mountains and snow must know that sudden changes in temperature can ruin a beautiful holiday. In fact, in order to avoid sore throat it is better to avoid staying in too hot, crowded environments, especially if the outside temperature is much lower – says Dr. Lucio Rizzi, specialist of the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic of Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo. This happens because thermal changes facilitate the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. On the other hand, they inhibit the physiological mechanisms of defense of the mucous membrane of the upper aero-digestive pathways. To protect yourself from sore throat, in mild cases it may be sufficient to carry out the classic “grandmother’s remedies” with water, sodium bicarbonate, and chamomile, which work very well. Additionally, you can maintain adequate body hydration by taking liquids and humidifying environments, while it is not recommended to rely on aerosols that only contribute to worsening the situation. Finally, avoiding cigarette smoking, alcohol, and increasing the intake of fruit and vegetables in a healthy and balanced diet also helps prevent sore throat when the cause is gastro-esophageal reflux, sometimes worsened by binge eating and excessive dietary intake. If, on the other hand, sore throat has bacterial causes, as in the case of tonsillitis, it is better to consult a doctor in order to start an adequate antibiotic therapy, perhaps preceded by a pharyngeal swab with cultivation examination and antibiogram to target the cure.