Professor Guido Torzilli is the leader of the team of Hepatobiliary Surgery at Humanitas Research Hospital.

He focuses on hepatobiliary surgery and intraoperative ultrasound.

Professor Torzilli carries out a deep research in the diagnosis and treatment of primitive and secondary tumours of liver, in intraoperative guide technique of liver tumours and in liver regeneration.
He introduced into practice new concepts such as the parenchymal-sparing liver surgery in the presence of vascular contact (R1vascular) and parenchymal-sparing liver surgery in the presence of vascular infiltration (adjoining veins).

Furthermore, he established new surgical interventions: mini-mesohepatectomy, SERPS (Systematic Extended Right Posterior Sectionectomy), liver tunnel and upper transversal hepatectomy. He designed a new probe for intraoperative ultrasound.

He has worked in Humanitas Research Hospital for 15 years. His team in Humanitas, although relatively young with an average of 40 years, is one of the leading team internationally recognized in the field of liver surgery, with an expertise, of over 1,000 hepatectomies, of which more than 500 hundred were for metastatic disease, more than 400 for hepatocellular carcinoma and more than 200 for biliary tumours.

This activity is featured by the highest level of safety with an overall mortality of less than 1%, and by the highest oncological complexity of the patients treated, with one of the larger series of single session removals of colorectal liver metastases, the highest number of lesions ever removed in a patient in a single operation, and one of the higher rate of advanced primary tumours successfully treated.

Moreover, the team is well known for the originality of the skills developed in the recent years featured by new surgical procedure to face safely to tumour presenting high complexity. The team in particular is a worldwide recognized leader in ultrasound guided liver surgery by introducing for the first time the use of contrast agents intraoperatively for better tumour staging and by developing new techniques for saving normal hepatic tissue although clearing the liver from all the tumour whenever their anatomic position and relationship is.

Current Teaching Activity: Professor Torzilli currently teaches at Humanitas University as Professor of surgery.

He specialized in 1993 at Milan University in General Surgery and in 1999 he collected the PhD at the School of Medicine at Tokyo University.

His academic career started at the University of Tokyo where he acted as Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Department of Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, chaired at that time by his mentor, Professor Masatoshi Makuuchi. He also worked as Professor at Milano University.

He was appointed as Fellow of the Japanese Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research, he is member of the European Surgical Association, and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.


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