Education and training

February 2018: Master of Philosophy degree at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Currently: internship started in July 2011 in medical oncology as medical doctor in the Oncology and Haematology Department of Istituto Clinico Humanitas-Cancer Center, Milan. Part of the Breast Unit Team, for the multidisciplinary treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Involved in several clinical trials conducted according GCP.

From February 2017: International Ph.D. Programme in Immunology and Immunopathology at Istituto Clinico Humanitas (Rozzano, Milano), affiliated research centre to The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

 From March 1st to August 31st 2016: fellowship at St Vincent’s University Hospital (Dublin, Ireland) in Medical Oncology Outpatient Clinic (Prof. John Crown) focusing on breast cancer care.

From March 1st to August 31st 2016: traineeship at National Institute of Cellular Biotechnology (Dublin, Ireland) participating in the project “Targeting IGF1R/IR signalling in ER positive breast cancer: BI 836845 single drug and combination proliferation assays”. In charge for managing several cell culture techniques, actively taking part in the development process for new drugs discovery.

From March 8th to March 13th 2014: attendance to the “13th ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology”, in Ermantingen, Switzerland.

July 2012: admission in the medical  oncology internship (Università degli Studi di Milano).

March 1st, 2012: registration to Ordine Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri di Milano. Registration number: 42650

July 19th, 2011: Degree in Medicine and Surgery (Università degli Studi di Milano) 110/110 cum laude. “Correlazione fra il test prognostico molecolare di 70 geni (MammaPrint) con le caratteristiche clinico-patologiche tradizionali e gli strumenti di stratificazione del rischio: quale impatto sulla scelta terapeutica? L’esperienza dell’Humanitas Cancer Center”.
