Breastfeeding is a significant moment in the special bond between a mother and her child. However, it often comes with questions and misconceptions passed down through generations. To guide new mothers, we have compiled advice from specialists.

Diet and Breastfeeding:

Mothers can enjoy a regular diet, including spices and spicy foods, without worrying about changing the taste of their breast milk.

However, it is essential to avoid alcohol, hard liquor, smoking, and foods that may lead to infections, such as raw fish.

Milk Production:

No specific foods can dramatically increase milk production.

Mothers should drink at least two liters of water or other fluids daily to provide essential nutrients for milk production.

Breastfeeding while unwell:

Mothers can breastfeed even when they are not feeling well. Breast milk contains immunoglobulins that safeguard the baby against infections.

It is recommended to consult a specialist before taking any medications.

Taking Care of Your Breasts:

The Montgomery glands in the areola naturally clean and protect the breast. There is no need for special soaps or disinfectants. Use water to maintain the natural scent that attracts the baby to the breast.

Postpartum Weight Loss:

Breast milk is highly nutritious and requires extra energy from the mother for production. This process can assist in gradual and healthy postpartum weight loss.