The experience and the abilities of the experts of Humanitas arrive in Emilia Romagna: a few days ago, in fact, Professor Alessandro Repici, head of the Operating Unit of Digestive Endoscopy, successfully completed a critical intervention on a patient.
The patient, who was followed and admitted to the hospital in Cesena, suffered from a massive rectum injury. The operation was carried out in collaboration with the staff of the Cesena digestive endoscopy and with the three primary doctors of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy of Forlì-Cesena, Dr. Carlo Fabbri, of Ravenna, Dr. Omero Triossi and of Rimini, Dr. Mauro Giovanardi.
“The technique of resection of the lesions, used in the operation in question, is called Subcutaneous Dissection (ESD) and has been developed by centers based in Japan – explained Dr. Fabbri -; today, thanks to the experience of the professionals in the company and the technological implementation, you can perform many minimally invasive surgical procedures in digestive endoscopy”.