When the intestine is healthy, it functions regularly and does not show any signs of itself, but the presence of symptoms is a request for attention from the intestine, which should not be underestimated.

Dr. Beatrice Salvioli, a gastroenterologist at Humanitas, who is a guest in the Cuore and Denari on Radio24, spoke about lazy bowel.

Once upon a time, it was the doctors who determined when the intestine was considered lazy, based on international criteria that are still valid today. As Dr. Salvioli underlines, however, today we have moved from objectivity to subjectivity: “it is not so much the criterion of the frequency of evacuations that defines the disturbance, but how the patient feels and his own perception with respect to the quality of life”. The lazy bowel is therefore a subjective disorder, predominantly female.


Supporting the stimulus

“The most physiological position for the body is the one you take when using Turkish baths. Sitting on the toilet for a long time in fact, in the long run can be harmful, because the force of gravity pushes on the pelvic floor, with the risk of even major problems, ranging from hemorrhoids to prophylaxis.

It is therefore necessary to avoid spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet and to educate children in this sense, even from an early age.

“Another aspect that is important to educate children is not to be ashamed if you have to go to the toilet. It is important to support the stimulus when it occurs. Children, on the other hand, often find it difficult to go to the school bathroom and wait to go home, but once they have returned, perhaps the stimulus has passed. The risk is that several days go by and fecalomas (pile of hard stools) are formed, a hitch that can cause cracks, pain, further discomfort in the body, with the establishment of a vicious circle that can lead to constipation and a conflictual relationship with defecation,” the specialist points out.


Advice to counter lazy bowel

Fibers play a very important role in terms of quantity and quality; some fibers in fact attract more water and facilitate intestinal movement.

It can help to stimulate movement, consume kiwi, ripe pear, bran or oat porridge in the morning.

Moreover, legumes should not be overlooked; those who suffer from swelling should prefer husked ones. It is essential to drink water, about a liter and a half a day. “Eating lots of vegetables and drinking little water instead of facilitating intestinal movement does the opposite,” says Dr. Salvioli.

It is also recommended to engage in regular physical activity that stimulates and moves the intestine.

Osmotic laxatives may be indicated if necessary.