In order to take off your glasses for good you must first improve your eyesight. When undergoing an intervention to it is important to first assess your suitability for this type of operation. We spoke to Professor Paolo Vinciguerra, head of Ophthalmology at Humanitas. He tells us, that in fact, there are individuals whose cornea is so thin that full correction through surgery can not always be achieved.


Can you take off your glasses forever?

“As we see from our published data, the majority of patients are able to take off their glasses for good. As a matter of fact, here at Humanitas we have a higher level of success in this aspect than the average reported through international literature. This achievement is made possible thanks to the latest technology we have available here at Humanitas.

I want to emphasize however, that priority should always be given to the visual quality achieved with respect to the small refractive defect that may remain. The latter is always agreed with the patient before the operation. In fact, it often happens that the thickness of the cornea is not sufficient to ensure a full correction.

The patient agrees that even if they take off their glasses permenantely their vision may not be perfect; Those who take off their glasses do not submit themselves to cosmetic surgery. Rather, an act targeted at improving the quality of their vision.”

For further information on refractive surgery click here.