What are jujubes?

Jujube is the fruit of Ziziphus jujuba, a species belonging to the family Rhamnaceae. Originating in China, they also are grown in Korea, Japan and the Middle East.


What are the nutritional properties of jujubes?

100 g of fresh jujubes bring in approximately 79 calories and:

  • 1.2 g of protein
  • 0.20 g of lipids
  • 20,53 g carbohydrates
  • dietary fiber
  • 69 mg of vitamin C
  • 0,900 mg of niacin
  • 0.081 mg of pyridoxine
  • 0.040 mg of riboflavin
  • 0.020 mg of thiamin
  • 40 IU of vitamin A
  • 250 mg of potassium
  • 23 mg of phosphorus
  • 21 mg of calcium
  • 10 mg of magnesium
  • 3 mg of sodium
  • 0.48 mg of iron
  • 0.084 mg of manganese
  • 0.073 mg of copper
  • 0.05 mg of zinc


Jujubes are sources of tannins. In 100 grams of fresh fruit there are present about 3.2 mg of catechin and 1.3 mg of quercetin.


When to not eat jujubes?

Jujubes may interfere with venlafaxine, an antidepressant drug.


Seasonality of jujube

The jujube tree is full of fruits by July.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of jujube

Jujubes, dried or reduced to powder, are used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve nervousness, anxiety and insomnia, prevent infections and improve the digestive capacity. What is certain is that these fruits are sources of essential nutrients for proper development and for the general welfare of the organism. Their fibers help protect the intestinal health, and vitamin C intake associated with their consumption is full of antioxidant power. Not only that, vitamin C is important for collagen synthesis and helps the healing of wounds. Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, for the contraction of muscles, for the clotting of blood and the transmission of nerve impulses, iron is required for the production of red blood cells, and B vitamins are allies to your metabolism. Finally, tannins are known for their anti-infective capabilities, anti-inflammatory and blood clotting. Beware, though: compared to other fruits jujubes are quite caloric.

Jujubes, even in their dehydrated variant are considered generally safe foods.