What are blackberries?

Blackberries are the fruits of the Rubus fruticosus, a species belonging to the Rosaceae family. Native to subarctic Europe this species is now cultivated on a commercial scale in North America (especially in the US) and up to Siberia.


What are the nutritional properties of blackberries?

100 g of blackberries make about 36 calories broken down as follows:

  • 85% carbohydrates
  • 15% protein
  • negligible amount of lipids


In particular, 100 g of blackberries bring:

  • 1.39 g of protein
  • 0.49 g of lipids
  • 9.61 g carbohydrates
  • 5.3 g of fiber
  • 21 mg of vitamin C
  • 1.17 mg of vitamin E
  • 0.646 mg of niacin
  • 0,030 mg pyridoxine
  • 0.276 mg pantothenic acid
  • 0.020 mg of thiamin
  • 25 micrograms of folate
  • 19.8 micrograms of vitamin K
  • 214 IU of vitamin A
  • 162 mg of potassium
  • 29 mg of calcium
  • 20 mg of magnesium
  • 1 mg of sodium
  • 0.646 mg of manganese
  • 0.62 mg of iron
  • 0.53 mg of zinc
  • 165 micrograms of copper
  • 0.4 micrograms of selenium


Blackberries are a source of beta-carotene (128 micrograms in 100 g), lutein / zeaxanthin (118 micrograms in 100 g) and several flavonoids (such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, tannins), but also of quercetin, gallic acid, cyanidin, pelargonidin, catechins , kaempferol and salicylic acid.


When should you NOT eat blackberries?

No interactions of blackberries with drugs or other substances has been found.


Seasonality of blackberries

Blackberries are fruits typical of the month of August.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of blackberries

Blackberries protect health by making insoluble and soluble fibers that promote good intestinal health, such as xylitol which helps control the rise in blood sugar after eating. It’s numerous antioxidants could help fight aging, inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. The B vitamins promote good metabolism, while copper is important for the health of bones and for the production of white blood cells and red blood cells.

Allergy to blackberries is rare. It seems that at its base there may be the presence of salicylic acid in these fruits, which can trigger symptoms such as swelling and redness of the mouth, lips and tongue, eczema, hives, skin rash, headache, runny nose, itching of the eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal problems, depression, hyperactivity and insomnia.