What is edamame?

Edamame is the preparation of premature soybeans in their pods (Glycine max). They are typical of Asian cuisine; popular in Japan, Korea and China, and they are now known in Europe and America.


What are the nutritional properties?

100 g frozen edamame bring 109 calories and:

  • 75.17 g of water
  • 11.22 g of protein
  • 4.73 g of lipids
  • 7.8 g of soluble sugars
  • 4.8 g of fibers
  • 2.48 g of sugar
  • 9.7 mg of vitamin C
  • 0,925 mg of niacin
  • 0.72 mg of vitamin E
  • 0.265 mg of riboflavin
  • 0,150 mg of thiamine
  • 0.135 mg of vitamin B6
  • 303 micrograms folate
  • 31.4 micrograms of vitamin K
  • 482 mg of potassium
  • 161 mg of phosphorus
  • 61 mg of magnesium
  • 60 mg of calcium
  • 6 mg of sodium
  • 2.11 mg of iron
  • 1.32 mg of zinc

The edamame are also sources of phytoestrogens.


When should you NOT eat edamame?

Soy may interfere with the activities of different medications such as those for thyroid treatment, diuretics, warfarin and MAO inhibitors. If in doubt it is good to seek advice from your doctor.


Seasonality of edamame

The season of edamame is the summer. In the remaining periods of the year it available, frozen in markets.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of edamame

Edamame is an excellent sources of protein, but not only. The possible benefits associated with their consumption depend on a number of nutrients found in them. In particular, the B vitamins ensure proper functioning of many metabolic processes; an adequate intake of folate (vitamin B9) before conception and during pregnancy also prevents anomalies in the development of the nervous system. Vitamin C and manganese enhance the body's antioxidant defenses, potassium protects cardiovascular health, calcium and phosphorus protect the bones and teeth and finally iron is necessary for hemoglobin production. In addition, edamame helps improve nutrition by providing fibers.

SBEs seem to be useful to counter some symptoms and disorders typically associated with menopause.

Edamame should not be eaten raw, because they contain a toxin (largely neutralized with 20 minutes in salted boiling water) that can trigger an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea.

Soy can trigger allergies.