What is a banana?

A banana is the fruit of the Musa sapientium tree, originating from Malaysia. Today it is cultivated in most tropical and subtropical areas of the planet. Among the major producers are Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil.


What are the nutritional properties of banana?

A 100 g banana (excluding skin) provides 65 calories broken down as follows:

  • 89% carbohydrates

  • 7% protein

  • 4% lipid


In particular, 100 grams of the edible part of the fruit make:

  • 76.8 g of water

  • 1.2 g of protein

  • 0.3 g of lipids

  • 2.4 g of starch

  • 12.8 g of soluble sugars

  • 1.8 g of fibers, of which:

  • 0.62 g of soluble fiber (especially pectin and fructo-oligosaccharides)

  • 1.19 g of insoluble fiber


Among the vitamins and minerals, 100 g of banana (excluding skins) provide:

Finally, the banana contains phytosterols such as sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol.


When should you not eat bananas?

Banana consumption should be avoided when taking ACE inhibitors, diuretics or oxazolidinones.


Period availability / season

Bananas are grown and harvested throughout the year.


Possible benefits and contraindications

Bananas are a good source of vitamins, minerals (especially potassium), fiber and phytosterols and are characterized by a low glycemic index. From these properties benefits are derived for the cardiovascular system, digestion and endurance for those who play sports.

Bananas contain chitinase, molecules associated with the so-called "latex-fruit syndrome". This is a condition in which one is both allergic to latex and some fruits. If you are allergic to latex it is therefore advisable to pay attention to banana consumption.