What is the apple?
The apple is the fruit of trees belonging to the species Malus domestica. A tree native to eastern Europe and southwest Asia, currently widespread in most temperate climate areas of the planet.
What are the nutritional properties of the apple?
Each apple contains only 64.5 calories and is formed roughly by 4% protein, 2% lipid and 94% carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of fluids because 150g of apple contain 130.35g of water, but also:
0.6g of protein
0.15g of lipids
16.05g of soluble sugars
2.55g of fibers (both soluble and insoluble fiber)
A 150g apple also provides:
Among its phytonutrients phytic acid (0.09g in 150 g) stands out.
From a nutritional point of view, eating whole apples is a better option than to drink the juice. It’s micronutrients are concentrated mainly in the skin, and the whole fruit is richer in fiber and probably also in polyphenols, which are beneficial molecules in terms of health. In particular, the apple contains flavonols (particularly quercetin, but also kaempferol and myricetin), catechins (epicatechin in particular), chlorogenic acid, florizine and in the case of red skin varieties, anthocyanins.
The apple is rather free of cholesterol and low in sodium.
When you should not eat apples
The juice of apples may reduce the absorption of some medication, such as fexofenadine. During the treatment consumption should be avoided.
Possible benefits of apples
The low calorie intake and limited intake of fat and sodium make the apple ideal for the health of the cardiovascular system. The main benefits of apple consumption originate from their phytonutrients and fibers. In the latter, those that are soluble such as pectin, help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize levels of sugar and insulin. Furthermore pectin can be useful in cases of diarrhea. Insoluble fibers promote bowel regularity, facilitating the movement of food in the digestive tract. This can be useful in cases of constipation, diverticulitis and some cancers.
The consumption of apples is recommended in cases of:
heart disease
To date there are no available clinical studies demonstrating the validity of these tips. But the results of epidemiological studies lead to the hypothesis that consumption of at least one apple a day may help prevent some cancers (particularly those of the colon and rectum). Preliminary research also suggests that the consumption of these fruit help protect health by reducing factors of risk for cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes) as well as respiratory disorders (especially asthma). Finally, apples seem to exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities.
Possible contraindications of apples
The main downside to the consumption of apples is allergic sensitivity. Among its possible manifestations are the oral allergy syndrome, urticaria and asthma induced by exercise. The allergenic potential of the fruit appears to depend on the variety taken into account.
The seeds of the apples must not be ingested in large amounts because of the dangers associated with hydrocyanic acid present inside them.
Seasonality of apples
Northern Hemisphere apples are present at the end of the summer and into the early weeks of winter.