Blepharoptosis is a medical condition that consists of a partial or total lowering of the upper eyelid. It can be bilateral, thus affecting both eyes, considering the condition has congenital origin. But, most often only one eye is affected (in this case the condition is considered “acquired").

The acquired form of blepharoptosis is given by paralysis or injury of the muscles and nerves normally involved in the movement of the eyelid.

The lesions are in turn caused by various conditions including: trauma, inflammation, aging (senile ptosis or age-related), other existing medical conditions (stye, chalazion, headache, stroke, neurological or muscular, diabetes) and some drugs abuse. The blepharoptosis can be present in various degrees, in a mild form or completely covering the pupil, iris and other parts of the eye, thereby limiting vision.


What kind of diseases can be associated with blepharoptosis?

The following diseases may be associated with blepharoptosis:

  • Botulism
  • Chalazion
  • Headache
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle diseases
  • Neurological diseases
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Stye
  • Trauma

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence.


What is the therapy for blepharoptosis?

If it is not possible to eliminate the cause of blepharoptosis, it is necessary to resort to corrective surgery that can improve both the vision and the aesthetic aspect.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of blepharoptosis?

In case of trauma or a diagnosis of an associated disease (see list of associated pathologies).