Clinical pathology is the branch of pathology that is responsible for analyzing through the use of laboratory investigations such as biological, hematological, chemical, immunological, and parasitological tests biological samples tissue from blood or other fluids, and secretions, with the aim of assessing the physiological parameters and making a diagnosis.


What does a clinical pathologist do?

The doctor is specialized in clinical pathology and is responsible for analyzing biological samples of tissue, blood, or other bodily fluids and secretions by conducting macro and microscopic morphological, chemical, immunological, microbiological and molecular investigations in order to identify and diagnose the presence of a pathology.


What diseases are treated by clinical pathologist?

The diseases treated by a clinical pathologist include all those that can be diagnosed by laboratory investigations such as bacteriological, hematological, chemical, immunological, and parasitological. It is therefore all diseases of this nature that can be diagnoses and treated.


What are the procedures used by a clinical pathologist?

The procedures most often used include macroscopic visual evaluation of a biological sample taken, and microscopic evaluation of the biological sample taken in order to examine the cellular morphology and highlight the presence of bacteria or other pathogens. Various other methods used include coloration such as GRAM, Giesma, and Grocott, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and cell cultures where a biological samples taken can be placed on a growth medium to highlight the possible growth of bacterial agents or other infectious agents responsible for a disease.