What is sulfur?

Sulfur is a macro element, meaning it is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. It is the third most important mineral in the body, after calcium and phosphorus. The adult body contains approximately 140 mg, predominantly in the form of proteins such as keratin. Sulfur helps maintain elasticity of the skin and sulfur bonds help muscles, skin and bones maintain their shape. Individuals may apply sulfur products to their skin to treat acne and other skin conditions. Sulfur is an essential ingredient in fats, body fluids and skeletal minerals.

What is the function of sulfur?

Sulfur is present in so-called sulfur containing amino acids . Among these, methionine and cysteine ​​play a structural role in building both proteins (such as keratin and collagen) and enzymes involved in numerous reactions that take place within the organism. Taurine, on the other hand, is involved in the production of bile acids. Moreover, the sulfur amino acids are used to produce other important molecules, such as biotin, coenzyme A, lipoic acid and glutathione
Sulfur also participates in cellular respiration.

Which foods are rich in sulfur?

Sulfur is present in all protein-rich foods, including  red meat, white meat, vegetables , fish ,and milk . One of the richest sources of this mineral is the yolk of an egg. Other foods such as onions, garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts and turnips also contain a good amount of sulfur. Lower levels of sulfur are found in dried fruits, kale, lettuce, kelp and algae in raspberries.

What is the recommended daily requirement of sulfur?

The recommended daily intake of sulfur is about 850mg per day, in order to meet the basic needs of the human body. However, individuals tend to easily satisfy daily requirements through consumption of various foods.

What are the consequences of sulfur deficiency?

Due to the fact that sulfur is present in methionine and cysteine amino acids, cases involving sulfur deficiency can lead to reduced protein synthesis. Cysteine is also used in the process of making glutathione (antioxidant) which protects the cells from damage. When sulfur is insufficient, it can cause a reduction in glutathione synthesis, which may contribute to cell damage. Sulfur is also needed to create connective tissues in the body that support the joints, so any sulfur deficiency in such instances can lead to symptoms such as joint pain or disease.

What are the consequences of excessive sulfur intake?

There is no evidence to support that excessive sulfur intake triggers specific symptoms or health problems. However, ongoing digestive issues relating to cysteine metabolism can lower potassium and calcium levels, which in turn may lead to the need for supplementation or treatment.

It is true that sulfur intake can improve health of the nails and hair?

Sulfur is also known as the "beauty mineral". Not only does it help improve health of the nails and hair, but it also helps clear up acne and other skin conditions. The reason for this lies in the fact that it is an important component of keratin, which is a protein that is a structural component to the skin, nails and hair, giving them extra strength and resistance.