What is boron?

Boron is a vital trace mineral that is important for normal growth and health of the body. It is believed that boron also improves the natural ability of the human body to absorb calcium and magnesium. It also increases estrogen levels in older (post-menopausal) women and healthy men. Estrogen is thought to be helpful in maintaining healthy bones and mental function. A common form of boron known as Boric acid can help kill yeast that cause vaginal infections. This mineral is found in food and the environment and most individuals tend to take boron supplements as aform of medication. 

What is the function of boron?

The main essential role of boron in the body has not yet been identified. It is generally assumed that boron helps:

  • the metabolism of minerals that are involved in bone development such as calcium, magnesium and copper
  • treat osteoarthritis
  • reduce lipid accumulation and enables the removal of cholesterol through various means
  • prevent blood clotting
  • increase testosterone levels and increase the level of natural sex hormones in the body
  • improve the production of estrogen in menopausal women and reduce menopausal symptoms
  • identify biologically important saccharides
  • maintain and stabilize cellular and organ membrane functions
  • accumulate muscle mass
  • improve reasoning skills and muscle coordination
  • decreases fungal infection
  • enhance brain function

What foods are rich in boron?

Boron is found in fruits such as apples, oranges, red grapes, pears, plums, kiwi, raisins, dates, nuts and avocado. Moreover, some vegetables and soybeans are also good sources of boron and include peas, beans, red currants, tomatoes, lentils, olives, onions, potatoes, wine and beer.

What is the recommended daily requirement of boron?

There is no recommended daily intake of boron. In general, a well-balanced diet of 2,000 calories per day with foods rich in boron can help the body absorb up to 3.25mg. Deficiency of this mineral is considered when an individual undergoes deficient diets with 2,000 calories per day that deliver only 0.25mg of boron in the body.  It is crucial to include boron in daily diet to ensure a health and disease-free life.

What are the consequences of boron deficiency?

Symptoms of boron deficiency are not fully known. Among the possible problems boron deficiency can cause include hyperthyroidism, imbalance of sex hormones, osteoporosis, arthritis and abnormalities in the function of the nervous system. Taking boron supplements by the mouth can help prevent deficiency.

What are the consequences of excessive boron intake?

Normally, boron is easily absorbed and excreted through the urine. However, excessive boron intake can trigger symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness and dermatitis. In some cases, skeletal abnormalities may even present themselves. In individuals with kidney problems, boron might accumulate in heart, kidneys, brain and tissues, so it is important to be aware of taking high-concentration supplements.

It is true that boron helps improve athletic performance?

Boron is able to enhance testosterone levels in males, which is increasingly taken advantage of by bodybuilders. Although some bodybuilders take boron supplements to improve strength performance, there is no scientific evidence or explanation to prove that this mineral helps increase muscle mass.