The first meeting is crucial to plan the entire course of the program, and to understand what its stages are, and to examine all the documents, schedule times and define the need and the means of access to treatment. It is an important time to establish a bond between the couple and the doctors of the fertility centre at Humanitas, who will follow step by step the whole process with the patients. While it is useful, though not essential, that you have both partners, it is important that the patient’s bring with them all their investigations, medical records and examinations carried out.

During the first contact, we gather a detailed medical history of the couple, it is strictly to supervise the tests already carried out and any treatment or procedures performed previously. They can also request further investigations if necessary. Subsequently in light of this data, we will confirm or indicate whether it is needed to enter a path of LDCs. The process will be discussed with the couple and the necessary steps required to access the program will be explained, as well as the ethical and legal obligations. From the first meeting you can rely on advice from other specialists who help the team of the fertility centre Humanitas and, if necessary, psychological support.

In this step it is also illustrated the indication that led to the need for therapy assisted procreation. For access to assisted reproductive technologies Level II, one of the specialists of the team, must certify, pursuant to art 4 of Law 40 and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of 08.16.2004, the state of infertility and acceptance into the program.