What is an endocrinology examination?

An endocrinological examination is a noninvasive and painless examination that allows an endocrinologist to evaluate, or monitor diseases and disorders associated with the endocrine glands, the organs that produce hormones. 


What is the purpose of an endocrinology examination?

The different roles played by hormones in the body makes them essential to ensure optimal functioning of the metabolism, organs, and tissues. An endocrinologist deals with identifying and treating diseases associated with the malfunction of the glands that produce them, and can contribute to diseases such as osteoporosis, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and problems such as infertility, and complications of menopause.
The visit allows an endocrinologist to detect and monitor endocrine disorders affecting the thyroid, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, and pancreas.


What happens during an endocrinology examination?

An endocrinological examination can last from 20 to 40 minutes, during which an endocrinologist collects information on the family history of disease, pathologies, and food intake of the patient. An endocrinologist will review any previous tests the patient might have done, and after a thorough clinical examination may ask for other diagnostic tests.


Are there any guidelines for preparation?

There are no rules for preparation. The patient is asked to bring the reports of any tests previously prescribed.