• 2003-2011 IRCCS, Istituto O. Galeazzi, Affori (Milan), Italy
    Dr Cardia was employed in 2003 as a Medical Assistant in the Neuro-surgery ward of the Istituto O Galeazzi (consultant Dr Maurizio Fornari). 
    In 2005, he became head of Vascular Neuro-surgery and reached the level of Speciality Registrar.
    He was mainly concerned with Vascular, Oncological and Spinal Neuro-surgery.
  • 2001-2003 Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy 
    Dr Cardia worked as a trainee, taking an active part in clinical and surgical work under the supervision of Dr Massimo Collice.
    He took part in about 700 operations, gaining experience in:
    Vascular neuro-surgery: aneurysms, by-passes and AVM
    Paediatric neuro-surgery


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=cardia a